The break is perfectly vertical and centered, evenly divided
between the pieces. If it had not been split like this, the stability of the
stones would have been reduced and they would have been overturned. It seems
more reasonable to think that there is no way this could happen naturally. But
creating that cut by humans is not easy. And both rocks are almost the same
Did extraterrestrials help us build our early civilizations?
Was this done by a giant machine using a laser-like method? If that's the case,
this is something we haven't figured out yet since they helped us. That must be
a remnant of alien research or something related.
If the stone had split in the middle due to the weight of
the stone before it was like this, the upper part of the cut like this would
have been wider. Since this has not happened, it does not appear that the stone
split due to the effect of gravity.

Meanwhile, only one monkey, using that one typewriter,
created a classic work written by an author like "Leo Tolstoy" and
copied it from the typewriter. The professor explains the minimum probability
of "human origin" in the world.
It is as if it is indirectly read here that if human origin
did not happen in the world, it could happen in another way.
The way this rock has been cut is also fantastic evidence
that it was covered by sand during such times.
Is this event, extraterrestrials, ..."We were
here", silent evidence left for us?
The next time you look at the star patterns in the sky through a telescope, extraterrestrials may be watching you from the other side.