10 Places on Earth that Appear to be Like a Portal to the Underworld

10 Places on Earth that Appear to be Like a Portal to the Underworld

There are times when the Earth's surface breaks apart, forming abysses of varying depths. These tricks are frequently the result of Mother Nature's work, but they can also be the result of human error.

While mystics and scientists debate the origins of these locations, tourists simply visit them to take a photo that will look good on their camera. Please scroll down to see the top 10 Earth locations that appear to be portals to the Earth's core.

#1 The ‘Glory Hole’ Spillway in Monticello dam’s reservoir, Northern California

The ‘Glory Hole’ Spillway in Monticello dam’s reservoir, Northern California

The 'Glory Hole' is a concrete spillway shaped like a pipe, similar to the drain of a large bathtub. When the reservoir height exceeds 134 meters, water pours over its lip, which has a diameter of 22 meters.

#2 Guatemala City sinkhole

Guatemala City sinkhole

The 2010 Guatemala City sinkhole was a tragedy on May 30, 2010, when a 65-foot-wide, 300-foot-deep crater swallowed a three-story factory in Guatemala City.

#3 St. Patrick’s Well, Orvieto, Italy

St. Patrick’s Well, Orvieto, Italy

Despite its frightening appearance, this well was built with good intentions in mind: to provide water to the city during the siege. It was also established under the supervision of the church.

#4 Crater of Mount Yasur, Vanuatu Island

Crater of Mount Yasur, Vanuatu Island

Yasur has a 400-meter-wide summit crater and is located near the SE extremity of Tanna Island. The current eruption has been ongoing since at least 1774.

#5 The Kimberley diamond mine, South Africa

The Kimberley diamond mine, South Africa

The Kimberley diamond mine is a hybrid open-pit and deep diamond mine in Kimberley, South Africa. The site's centerpiece is the 'Big Hole,' which has a diameter of about half a kilometer and a depth of 215 meters.

#6 Great Blue Hole, the Belize Barrier Reef

Great Blue Hole, the Belize Barrier Reef

The Great Blue Hole is a massive marine sinkhole off the coast of Belize. It is situated in the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 70 kilometers (43 miles) off the coast of Belize City. The hole is round in shape, with a diameter of 318 meters (1,043 feet) and a depth of 124 meters (407 feet).

#7 The Inverted Tower of Masons, Portugal

The Inverted Tower of Masons, Portugal

The property's inverted towers are two wells that resemble basement buildings with stairwells. These wells were never used for water supply. Instead, they were used for ceremonial purposes, such as Tarot initiation rites.

#8 Cerro Sarisarinama, Venezuela

Cerro Sarisarinama, Venezuela

Many flat-topped mountains can be found throughout Venezuela. They were responsible for massive sinkholes hundreds of years ago. The largest is Mount Sarisariama in the Venezuelan state of Bolvar.

#9 Mutnovsky Ice Caves, Russia

Mutnovsky Ice Caves, Russia

Mutnovsky Cave is distinguished by the fact that it is an ice cave. For many years, it has existed in close proximity to the raging volcanic crater. The cave is breathtaking.

#10 Gates of Hell (Darvaza), Turkmenistan

Gates of Hell (Darvaza), Turkmenistan

The formation of this gas crater was caused by humans. It's known as the "Gates of Hell," and the fire that began in 1971 has been raging for more than 50 years. The earth collapsed while drilling, and natural gas began to leak. The hole is over 200 feet in diameter and about 65 feet deep.

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